Croft Computer Systems

Croft Membership is a simple and comprehensive membership package, with an impressive range of features to suit any membership rules, procedures or requirement. The system provides a complete database of all member information, which can be extracted in a variety of reports. It integrates fully with all your essential office functions, such as accounts, bookings, tills, swipe cards, handicapping and websites, removing the need for manual journals, meaning you only need to update one database to ensure that all your systems are accurate.

Record all membership details in one place and easily produce subscription notices with any range of charges or levies, including discounts, extra charges (lockers, buggy storage, union fees etc), surcharges for direct debits, personal charges / discounts for a specific member and much more. Tailor subscriptions by category, automatically apply discounts by age or move people between categories.
Family records can be linked to a single record and subscriptions can be printed or emailed with attachments.
Process all forms of payment, including monthly, quarterly or annual direct debits. Send files directly to your banking software or to be processed by third party collection agencies and update all member records will a single click. Payments can be received in the office, or if your till is linked to Croft then they can be made direct at the bar. Payments are automatically allocated to the various charges as a proportion or in full, with options to set payment priorities. Social (bar card) levies can auto-update a members card balance. Subscriptions and payments can automatically update Croft Accounting. Outstanding/overdue reports are quickly available in a range of formats.
Croft Membership can form the sole point of entry for all your member details, eliminating the need to update multiple databases. The system will link with:
Croft Accounting
Imagination Golf tills
ClubMinder tills
HandicapMaster handicapping
BRS Golf
ClubView, Artworking, Jemp Design websites
Outlook: Email subscription notices
MS Office: Export details into Word for mailmerge or Excel for more detailed analysis